From the start, FML has offered specialized services for growing companies, especially in the fields of Life Sciences and New & Emerging Technology.
We are adept at tailoring our service offerings and expertise to address your specific challenges.
When experience counts, you can count on FML.
Industries Served
Life Sciences, Biomedical & Medical Devices20190602003009
Life Sciences, Biomedical & Medical Devices
We address accounting and assurance complexities so you can focus on the science....
New & Emerging Technology20190602003535
New & Emerging Technology
We can help resolve the conflicts between cyber borders and real borders....
Business Life Cycles Served
Early Stage & Start-Up Companies20190602030234
High Growth Companies20190602031920
FML leadership with the expertise to serve emerging companies like yours:
Frank Milone, CPA20190709163844
Frank Milone, CPA
Founding Partner, Assurance & Advisory Services
Lisa (LaSaracina) Willauer, CPA20190709144233
Lisa (LaSaracina) Willauer, CPA
Founding Partner, Tax & Advisory Services
Kevin Donovan, CPA20190708231829
Kevin Donovan, CPA
Partner, Assurance & Advisory Services
Bill Claffey, Esq.20190707230803
Bill Claffey, Esq.
Partner, Tax & Advisory Services
Justin Wilcox, CPA20190528131907
Justin Wilcox, CPA
Partner, Tax & Advisory Services
Services from FML to Ensure Your Continued Success
Assurance and Advisory Services20190528210917
Assurance and Advisory Services
FML encompasses the proven capability for tackling complex issues and helping clients of all descriptions achieve their goals...
Business Consulting Services20190528212115
Business Consulting Services
FML will light the way to new opportunities and ideal outcomes....
Tax Services for Businesses20190528212147
Tax Services for Businesses
Providing the expertise and technical know-how to take on the toughest tax challenges....
Transaction Services20190528212207
Transaction Services
Our agility means we move at the speed of your transaction, no matter what may arise....
Outsourced Finance & Accounting20190528212229