How To Speed Up An M&A Deal

By Kevin Donovan, CPA, Partner, Assurance & Advisory Services
Oct 29, 2024

In the mergers and acquisitions arena, speed is crucial. An M&A transaction that moves too slowly often dies on the vine.

If a deal drags on beyond six months, it becomes more likely to fall apart with each passing day. In the delicate balancing act of an M&A deal, swift execution is essential to maintain momentum through close.

But it’s equally important not to rush through the process and skip due diligence, which can lead to stalls, torpedoed confidence and, ultimately, an empty bargaining table.

Here are just a few ways buyers and sellers can speed up an M&A deal so everything moves efficiently and all parties are left satisfied. …

Read the full article by FML partner Kevin Donovan in Crunchbase.